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Health Insurance

No one likes to think about the possibility of a serious illness, but a single accident or illness can generate medical expenses that can set you back for years. Making sure you have adequate coverage to meet your family's needs is vital.

There are different types of health insurance:

Major Medical
This provides coverage for medical expenses typically including hospital visits, operations, x-rays, prescription medication and other medically necessary services. May include dental and vision coverage as well.

Temporary Health Plans
Short-term coverage is for those who do not have access to other forms of health care coverage. It is for a specific period of time and covers the “gap” if you’ve lost coverage through a recent job loss, you are no longer eligible on your parents plan, you’re a seasonal worker or are waiting on Medicare eligibility.

Long-term care
Long-term coverage is for those who need custodial care.

Detwiler-Brofford Insurance offers group plans as well as individual health insurance and may be able to save you money while helping you find the right insurance products to address your unique needs. We only represent the top rated insurance carriers in the industry who offer a variety of health insurance packages tailored to meet your individual needs. Call today for a confidential review of your existing insurance coverage.


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