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Life Insurance

If you can afford it, there are several reasons why you may need life insurance. The most important reason is to have enough money to provide for dependents such as young children, non-working spouses or elderly parents, should you die and be no longer able to provide for them.

Life insurance is a contract, often called a “policy”, between you and an insurance company to provide money to a person you designate, in the event that you die during the time the contract is in force. In essence, during your lifetime you pay money, known as the insurance “premium”, to the insurance company. It promises to pay money to the persons you name, the “beneficiaries”, at your death. Some types of life insurance also give the policy owner the right to “borrow” a portion of the “cash value” within a policy, or to receive an “accelerated death benefit” if you become terminally ill or require confinement in a long term care facility.  Another category of people who might want life insurance is business owners or people with substantial estates.
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